I told my trusty chinese phone to take a photo every 2 minutes while it was dangling from my backpack strap. Most of the photos are of Carola, since she was walking in front of me. She tends to do that, since she is the more adventurous of us two. This way she also takes care of any cobwebs and other nasties that might otherways assault yours truly. Ladies first...
After a refreshing walk with wonderful scenery we drove on to the village of Durness, where we topped up the fuel and the fridge.
After a visit to Smoo cave we found a nice spot by the road to camp, by Ceannabeine beach (not even the scots seem to know how pronounce these names...) just east if the village and had a couple of beers and a nice dinner (Kedgeree (heavily modified Jamie Oliver recipe) and raita).
This morning's alarm clock was big and fluffy and went BAAAAAA!!!! beside our car at 07.13 a.m. The sun is shining on us and on the white beach beneath us, and a little creek provided the perfect opportunity for a refreshing morning bath.
The seagull we befriended yesterday (with a little help from a poppadum) is back. Today, toast is on the menu (both for us and for the seagull).
We got happy news from home yesterday, as our son Tom reported that he passed the theoretical exam for his driver's licence. He won't be able to take the practical exam quite yet though, as his dad, who is also supposed to function as his teacher, is out of the country, currently nekking it in a small creek in northern Scotland. Sorry 'bout that, son!
På denna blogg kan du läsa hur min älskade man Björn upplevt våra äventyr i Highland i Skottland😊